The purpose of this assessment is to examine the effects of King County’s Parents for Parents Program on engaging parents in the dependency process and case processing timeliness. The evaluation found that participation in Dependency…
Individuals in the dependency system believe that it is important to have parties present at early decision-making hearings without much empirical support. This paper examines how involvement of mothers, fathers, and their respective legal representatives…
In partnership with the Washington Administrative Office of the Courts, the NCJFCJ conducted a judicial workload assessment in Washington State. The assessment identified Spokane County as having adequate judicial resources to meet current workload demands and…
This report utilizes a new juvenile dependency judicial workload calculation to generate an estimate of current judicial resources and judicial resource needs in each jurisdiction in Washington state. Researchers found that the majority of Washington’s…
This process evaluation of the King County Parents for Parents Program (P4P) examines the program’s efficacy and suggests areas for continued improvement. The evaluation has five objectives: describe the components of the P4P; describe the participants in…
This assessment builds on a previous study of King County’s Mediation Pilot program (which can be found here). The current study expands upon earlier findings by adding additional cases to the sample and following cases…
In 2007, the NCJFCJ partnered with the Washington Administrative Office of the Courts to begin conducting a multi-year assessment of juvenile dependency practice (Washington Workload Study). The goal of the project was to assess judicial…
This Technical Assistance Brief details the research design and the ground-breaking methodology used to measure judicial workload in King, Spokane, and Mason Counties, and also provides an initial snapshot of workload findings.
The NCJFCJ continues to be a leader in advancing the use of effective multi-system responses to youth and families. In 2010, with funding from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention to support critical…
This article looks at the bias with which people view the world, how that bias impacts decisions and how to reduce the implicit bias in our decision-making, in juvenile and family justice.
This technical assistance bulletin was designed to provide information, guidance, and aspirational practice recommendations to dependency courts and dependency court judges with regard to bringing children to court for hearings related to their own dependency cases. It is…
In May 2011, the NCJFCJ published its first Disproportionality Rates for Children of Color in Foster Care Technical Assistance Bulletin, which identified the disproportionality rates for all state and select Model Courts across the Country. Since that time, the…