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Synergy, Vol. 16, No. 2

Synergy, Vol. 16, No. 2, is dedicated to the child protection and custody challenges faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, and transgender (LGBQT) survivors of domestic violence and by the LGBQT community. This issue was…

Technical Assistance Bulletin
Family Violence: Legislative Update Volume 18

Family Violence: Legislative Update Volume 18 is now available. This volume focuses on the 2012 legislative sessions. New legislation represents, for most lawmakers, an effort to address areas of concern, to remedy gaps, and to…

Juvenile & Family Court Journal
Juvenile & Family Court Journal - "Family Courts" An Effective Ju…

This journal addresses the advantages, disadvantages and questions to be resolved in the establishment of a unified and comprehensive family court system. The journal draws on the experience of existing family courts. (1993, Vol. 44,…

Family Violence Snapshots

Family Violence Snapshots provide an in-depth analysis of a child protection or custody issue that include fundamental and practical information to promote co-occurrence collaboration, trauma-informed responses, and/or best practices and to address barriers in the…

Specialized Family Violence Information Packets

The Family Violence Department has developed five specialized family violence information packets on child protection and child custody issues in the context of domestic and family violence. A description of each packet and its table…

Model Court Protocol: Leadership, Innovation, and Accountability

Developed, managed, and guided by the NCJFCJ, Model Court jurisdictions engage in cutting-edge local, statewide, and national program, policy, and initiative development. This Technical Assistance Brief outlines the expectations of Model Courts as they continually…

Technical Assistance Bulletin
Family Violence: Legislative Updates

Provide a state-by-state guide to domestic and family violence legislation passed in 1995 through 2015 sessions. Legislators, judges, attorneys, domestic violence coalitions, and others interested in state domestic and family violence legislation will find these…

Child and Family Service Review Outcomes Strategies to Improve Do…

Unidentified domestic violence or unsafe intervention in domestic violence situations may contribute to poor outcomes for families. This guide was written to help stakeholders develop effective Program Improvement Plans for achieving safety, permanency, and well-being…

Effective Intervention in Domestic Violence and Child Maltreatmen…

This publication is the official policy of the NCJFCJ and sets forth principles and recommendations for improving the policies and practices of child protection services, domestic violence services, and juvenile courts. The five chapters contained…

Technical Assistance Bulletin
Managing Your Divorce: A Guide for Battered Women

This guide is intended to be used by battered women who are representing themselves, without an attorney, in court cases involving child custody. It includes chapters on finding an attorney, financial considerations, custody and divorce…

Technical Assistance Bulletin
Model Code on Domestic and Family Violence

In 1994, the NCJFCJ promulgated the Model Code on Domestic and Family Violence (Model Code) to promote consistency across state lines in how domestic violence is handled in the criminal and civil legal systems. The…

Technical Assistance Bulletin
Family Violence: Improving Court Practice

Sets forth recommendations, which the NCJFCJ adopted as official policy, for improving court practices in family violence casesĀ and details the policies and procedures necessary to create and maintain an effective court, agency and community response…