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Technical Assistance Bulletin
Supporting Remote Family Time During the Pandemic and Beyond: The…

This Judge’s Action Alert highlights: trends in use of remote family time by the legal child welfare community during the pandemic;  benefits and drawbacks of using remote family time approaches;  keys to effective remote family time;  how…

Technical Assistance Bulletin
COVID-19 and Abuse in Later Life The Impact and What Judges and C…

The impact of the pandemic on older adults cannot be overstated. While much is still unknown about the virus, the research is clear that it affects older adults more severely. The mortality rate for patients…

Case Law Update
Civil Protection Order: Case Law Update for 2019

This document contains summaries of published state court decisions of interest related to civil protection orders, their issuance, and their enforcement for the year 2019. While most of these summaries are brief, containing only the…

Judge's Action Alert: Supporting School Stability for Children in…

This Judge’s Action Alert highlights:  Why prioritizing education is important for children in foster care  Critical education issues for children in foster care  Who is involved in advocating for the education of children in foster care …

Technical Assistance Bulletin
The Indian Child Welfare Act and Active Efforts: Past and Present

Congress passed the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) in 1978 to address the widespread practice of state entities removing American Indian and Alaskan Native children from their homes and families. Congress found “an alarmingly high…

Judge’s Action Alert: Supporting Early Legal Advocacy Before Co…

This Judge’s Action Alert highlights:  the reasons for providing legal advocacy early in a child welfare case before court involvement,  roles legal advocates play when appointed before court involvement in a case,  benefits of early, precourt…

The Ready Resource, November 2020

Courts are a vital part of the community and can benefit from community-based feedback and partnerships to improve systemic responses and increase access to services. This edition of the Ready Resource focuses on strategies for…

Technical Assistance Bulletin
5 Ways Juvenile and Family Court Judges Can Use Public Health Dat…

Juvenile and family court judges are leaders and conveners in their communities. Judges need information (data) to accomplish varied activities in their roles – from making individual-level decisions about evidence-based services to convening stakeholder groups…

Technical Assistance Bulletin
Civil Protection Order Process: Considerations for Safe and Effec…

The public health emergency created by the COVID-19 pandemic has challenged courts and communities in unprecedented ways. Of particular concern are the sometimes insurmountable obstacles that many victims of domestic violence and their children encounter…

The Ready Resource, June 2020

Welcome to the second issue of The Ready Resource, designed to provide up-to-date information focused on trends and practices as courts work to improve responses to intimate partner violence cases.

The Ready Resource, April 2020

While we recognize that dealing with the COVID-19 crisis is a stressful and overwhelming time for judicial officers and those that work for the court and that many of you and your staff may be…

Frequently Asked Questions on Relocation for Victim Advocates

Frequently Asked Questions on Relocation for Victim Advocates is designed to help people understand some of the legal issues involved in helping a domestic violence survivor who is considering moving from one state or tribal…