Hon. Katherine Tennyson (Ret.)
Several years ago, I received an email that sent a chill up my spine: “Judge Tennyson, I thought you’d like to know that you probably saved a child’s life today.” At that moment, I instantly remembered the protection order hearing and the testimony that led to the required supervised parenting time for the offender parent.
Although the lawyer gave me credit for my decision, I know that decision was the product of superior training from the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ). That education included the opportunity to talk with and learn from judges across the country facing the same types of decisions every day. It is not possible for humans to be right every time, but with effective training and education, we can be more right more of the time. That is what NCJFCJ brought to the table for me and I know your commitment to the NCJFCJ’s mission comes from the same benefit.
The work of the NCJFCJ began on May 22, 1937, when a group of judges came together looking to improve the effectiveness of the nation’s juvenile courts. And over the past 83 years, the NCJFCJ has sought to address the myriad of issues in juvenile and family courts. And in honor of the NCJFCJ’s 83rd anniversary, we are launching the NCJFCJ’s 1937 campaign.
The 1937 campaign asks for those who share our vision for a society in which everyone has access to fair, equal, effective, and timely justice to pledge $1,937 for this fiscal year in order to continue the NCJFCJ’s mission in providing all judges, courts, and related agencies involved with juvenile, family, and domestic violence cases with the knowledge and skills to improve the lives of the families and children who seek justice.
Every day on the bench, we give our hearts, time, and knowledge; and together through the values of compassion, leadership, education, and community, we can ensure that judicial officers have the resources needed for all children, families, and those affected by violence who seek help and hope in courtrooms all across our country.
Join me in pledging $1,937 for this fiscal year in honor of the NCJFCJ’s 83-year mission by clicking here or the button below.
Judge Katherine Tennyson (Ret.)
NCJFCJ Past President, 2016-2017