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Stalking and Risk

Stalking Matters

This episode features Jennifer Landhuis, Director of SPARC and Leslye Orloff, JD, Director of NIWAP. They discuss the role of stalking in Federal courts, Tribal courts, and immigration courts; state family, juvenile, civil, and criminal court cases; and administrative law adjudications, including immigration and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission adjudications. Judicial officers are strongly encouraged to read the full Guide prior to using its accompanying bench cards.

Click for the link to the Judicial Officer Benchcard on stalking as well as the Judicial Officer Guide to Responding to Stalking.

*Transcript available upon request.

Guest Bios:

Jennifer Landhuis, M.S., Director of SPARC

Ms. Landhuis brings over 25 years of experience as an educator and advocate on the issues of stalking, domestic violence, and sexual assault to her current position as the Director of the Stalking Prevention, Awareness, and Resource Center (SPARC). As Director, she oversees the development and implementation of multi-faceted resources, programs, and publications on stalking, collaborates with national partners, and provides robust trainings to criminal justice and victim service professionals. Jennifer has led the SPARC initiative since its founding at AEquitas in 2017. Jennifer graduated from Midland University with a Bachelors of Arts in youth and family ministry and the University of Cincinnati with a Masters of Science degree in criminal justice. She is an adjunct professor at Boise State University.

Leslye Orloff, JD, Director of NIWAP

Ms. Orloff is an Adjunct Professor and Director of the National Immigrant Women’s Advocacy Project (NIWAP) at American University, Washington College of Law. NIWAP provides training and technical assistance that supports attorneys, judges, police, prosecutors and victim advocates in their work with immigrant victims of domestic and sexual violence and child abuse.  She was involved in drafting the Protection for Immigrant Victims of Violence Against Women of the Violence Against Women Acts of 1994, 2000, 2005, and 2013, the Trafficking Victims Protection Acts of 2000 and 2008, legal services access for battered immigrants in 1997 and 2005 and welfare access for battered immigrants in 1996. She has also worked with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and other federal agencies to implement these laws.  She was a co-founder and co-chair of the National Network to End Violence Against immigrant Women (1992-2011). Ms. Orloff received her J.D. from the University of California at Los Angeles and graduated magna cum laude with a B.A. from Brandeis University.

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