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COVID-19 and NCJFCJ Operations Update

News / NCJFCJ News / COVID-19 and NCJFCJ Operations Update

COVID-19 Resources and Updates

The National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges’ (NCJFCJ) mission is to provide all judges, courts, and related agencies involved with juvenile, family, and domestic violence cases with the knowledge and skills to improve the lives of families and children who seek justice. During this time, NCJFCJ remains fully operational and mission-focused.

Our world and way of life are rapidly evolving every day while facing the COVID-19 pandemic. Our top priorities are the health of our team and supporting courts throughout the country. The NCJFCJ staff, both in Reno and Pittsburgh, are adapting to this change daily. Our team members are working remotely and through the use of technology keeping projects and assignments moving forward to assist those who serve children, families, and victims of domestic violence. We are in constant communication with our members and partners to gather and share proactive efforts to address these unique and evolving challenges.

Our commitment to the health and safety of our team includes juvenile and family court professionals across the country in order to continue our mission. For upcoming virtual learning opportunities, visit our events page. The NCJFCJ also has a library of resources and webinars for your continuing education. Please feel free to contact us and subscribe to the latest information.

COVID-19 Resources, Coronavirus (COVID-19)
National Center for State Courts, Coronavirus and the Courts
Association of Family and Conciliation Courts
National Association of Counsel for Children, Resource Hub