If you are the victim of domestic violence and need legal help, this guide contains some basic information about family court. While a lawyer who knows about domestic violence is the best person to help, many survivors cannot find or afford lawyers to represent them in court. This quick guide provides general information about family courts across the country. Keep in mind some information may not apply to your court or your state.
This judge’s action alert shares considerations for judges for sustaining remote/virtual hearing approaches and ensuring they are conducted in a high-quality way. These considerations address: laying the groundwork for combining remote/virtual and in-person court hearings;…
This judge’s action alert highlights how judges can promote the health and well-being of children in the child welfare system during challenging times. It examines the impact of disruptive events like the COVID-19 pandemic on…
This alert explains how judges can engage parents in decisions when their children are prescribed psychotropic medication while in the child welfare system. View Publication