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The Portland Model Court Expanded Second Shelter Hearing Process:…

Summarizes research conducted between April 2000 and August 2001 regarding the Multnomah County Juvenile Court’s second shelter hearing process.

The Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children: A Manual and…

Presents information necessary to effectively implement the ICPC. Provides instructional information to assist judges and court staff in teaching others about the Compact.

Full Faith and Credit: A Passport to Safety, A Judge's Guide

Full Faith and Credit: A Passport to Safety, A Judge’s Guide (Passport to Safety) was developed in 1999 as part of the Office on Violence Against Women’s comprehensive effort to assist states, tribes, and territories…

Technical Assistance Bulletin
Key Principles for Improving Court Practice in Juvenile Delinquen…

Congressional leaders, federal agencies, and private foundations have long-recognized the need for a national effort focusing on improving court practice in juvenile delinquency cases. In response to this need, the NCJFCJ, with funding from the…

Technical Assistance Bulletin
Juvenile Justice Model Courts

Since the publication of the Juvenile Delinquency Guidelines, the focus of the project has been to disseminate the document and encourage its use by jurisdictions to help guide system reform and improve practice in delinquency…

Ten Things Every Juvenile Court Judge Should Know About Trauma an…

This bulletin was published by NCJFCJ in 2010 and is a valuable source of information for juvenile court judges. The Bulletin is broken down into ten key components that every juvenile judge should consider as…

Managing and Sustaining Your Juvenile Drug Court

“Managing and Sustaining Your Juvenile Drug Court” is part one of a two-part series. Research has found that JDCs travel through a certain cycle – a “Juvenile Drug Court Development Cycle”. Having a better understanding of that…

Ensuring Fidelity to the Juvenile Drug Courts Strategies in Pract…

“Managing and Sustaining Your Juvenile Drug Court” is part one of a two-part series. Part two is an assessment tool for juvenile drug courts. “Ensuring Fidelity to the Juvenile Drug Courts Strategies in Practice-A Program Component…

Using Sober Support Groups in Your Juvenile Court

The bulletin was developed by a group of multidisciplinary professionals who work with substance abusing youth. The bulletin is a valuable tool that will guide courts and court practitioners to make the best possible decisions…

Civil Protection Orders: A Guide for Improving Practice

This publication is known as the CPO Guide. The National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, in partnership with the Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women developed the CPO Guide as a tool designed to support…

Bench Card
Reasonable Efforts Checklist for Dependency Cases Involving Domes…

Domestic violence in dependency cases often goes unrecognized and unaddressed. This checklist includes easy reference bench cards for judges to consult during removal, adjudication, disposition, review, permanency, and termination hearings involving domestic violence. It is…

Bench Card
A Judicial Guide to Child Safety in Custody Cases

Because custody cases involving abuse have intermingled issues of safety and access, judges require effective and accessible information and tools to aid their decision-making. The Judicial Guide contains 14 bench cards which provide an easy-to-use…