The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) has released Juvenile Residential Facility Census, 2012: Selected Findings, written by Sarah Hockenberry, Research Associate; Melissa Sickmund, Director; and Anthony Sladky, Senior Computer Programmer of the National Center for Juvenile Justice, the research division of the NCJFCJ. This bulletin presents findings from the 2012 Juvenile Residential Facility Census. This biennial survey collects information on facilities in which juvenile offenders are held and reports on the number of youth who were injured or died in custody. The data indicate that the juvenile offender population in residential placement dropped 14% from 2010 to 2012, to the lowest number since 1975. And for the first time since 2000, more offenders were in local facilities in 2012 than were in state-operated facilities. The survey also reports on security features used at public, state, and private facilities, including locking youth in their sleeping rooms.