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Research Report: 2014 Domestic Child Sex Trafficking Institute Evaluation

Resources / Report / Research Report: 2014 Domestic Child Sex Trafficking Institute Evaluation

Domestic child sex trafficking (DCST) is a rising and multifaceted issue within the U.S. The National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ), through funds from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, developed training and judicial practice tools with the goals of identifying and servicing victims of DCST. The NCJFCJ created a curriculum to specify ways to identify victims of sex trafficking, explain the trauma experienced by victims, and develop appropriate intervention and treatment. With this knowledge on child sex trafficking, judges make more informed decisions. The first DCST Institute was held November 2014. The NCJFCJ evaluated the Institute with a pre-post survey to assess any changes that occurred in knowledge, attitude, and anticipated practice changes. Results demonstrate positive change in all categories following the Institute.