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Teen Dating Violence: Social Media and Tech Misuse Guidance for Judges

Resources / Technical Assistance Bulletin / Teen Dating Violence: Social Media and Tech Misuse Guidance for Judges

Teen Dating Violence Social Media and Tech Misuse Guidance for JudgesToday’s social media and online landscape provides access to information, education, and connection that we could not have imagined even a decade ago. In addition to all of the instant connections that social media facilitates, it can create a safe space of belonging—building community as well as mental and emotional well-being. Social media provides a seemingly personal connection to many that they could never connect with in person—celebrities, people on the other side of the globe, artists and even experts in any field. 

As courts adjust to the new realities of online life, judicial decisions, rulings and court orders must be crafted to reflect an understanding of the dangers and dynamics that youth face as they create their new world of social engagement and human connections.