This webinar will explore how one can evaluate child interviews, both from the perspective of the interviewer and the child. For example, did the interviewer use the kinds of techniques that are known to increase…
This webinar will highlight the important work done in two different states to increase collaboration between child welfare and domestic violence agencies. Panelists from New Jersey and Ohio will describe the use of co-located advocates,…
The NCJFCJ hosted this webinar in partnership with ZERO TO THREE’s Quality Improvement Center for Research-Based Infant-Toddler Court Teams to assist judicial officers in assessing the use of psychotropic medications in young children involved in the juvenile…
Research suggests that the vast majority of parents involved in the child welfare system have experienced multiple traumatic events. This webinar will first present a basic overview of trauma to help participants understand what trauma…
As a training and technical assistance provider working with juvenile drug courts, the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges has observed two ways that juvenile drug court teams respond to drug test results.…
The 3rd Prong creates a strength-based atmosphere for the team. This webinar training will explore program-wide incentives in your juvenile drug court. We will discuss and learn about ways to: motivate family to engage in…
Teams are encouraged to develop a contract system that uses individualized youth contracts to reward and motivate positive behavior change in other areas such as school attendance, family connectedness, and community involvement. This webinar training…
In recent years, the Office of Child Support Enforcement has supported several pilot programs aimed at establishing concurrent child support and parenting time orders. This webinar will first give a brief summary of important considerations…
Is your court sensitive to LGBTQ survivors? When judicial responses don’t account for the unique dynamics of LGBTQ domestic violence, courts are less effective at helping survivors stay safe. Recent studies show that LGBTQ survivors…