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The Neuropsychology of Trafficking Trauma

Upcoming Events / Webinar / The Neuropsychology of Trafficking Trauma

The Neuropsychology of Trafficking Trauma

January 13, 2022

10 a.m. PST | 1 p.m. EST

Duration: 90 Minutes

Register Here

Youth who have experienced trafficking have endured intense and prolonged trauma that fundamentally rewrites their central nervous system. This webinar discusses the neuropsychology of the trauma response to trafficking. You will be able to describe a child’s biological response to sex trafficking and explain how using a trauma-informed lens will help youth trafficking survivors. Participants can also receive an attendance certificate to use towards continuing education units or continuing legal education credits.

Due to the varying requirements of different jurisdictions and disciplines, the NCJFCJ does not seek prior accreditation of educational programs for CLE/CEUs. Please consult the rules of your jurisdiction regarding procedures
for receiving continuing education credits.

For webinar information, please contact Malika Fahie, Program Specialist, NCJFCJ, at

Webinar Presenter:

Toni McKinley, M.A., L.P.C.

Toni is a fully trained TBRI (Trust Based Relational Intervention) practitioner, and an EMDR plus DBT trained therapist. She provides training to government agencies, state correctional facilities, and organizations that serve sex trafficking survivors on the neuropsychological trauma of sex trafficking. She is the author of “What Happened to Me? Healing for Sex Trafficking Survivors” and you can find her TEDx talk about trafficking prevention online.

Toni is the recipient of the 2017 Hero Award and The Texas Governor’s Human Trafficking Prevention Award in 2018. She has spoken at the United Nations at the Status of the Commission of Women, as well as trained caretakers of trafficked girls in Sonagachi, Kolkata India. She has assisted during trials and has provided needed consultation for organizations, such as The National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges. Toni has lived the experience of child sex trafficking and is currently the director of a home for trafficked women. She has been serving DMST survivors and adults since 2011.

Director of Magdalene House Austin
Member of The Human Trafficking Survivor Advisory Council
Member of ACF Region VI Human Trafficking Group
Member of the Texas Human Trafficking Prevention Task Force
Member of the Travis County Advisory Council
Co-Chair of the National Council of Juvenile & Family Court Judges Advisory Committee