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Teen Dating Violence - Guidance for Judges Issuing Relief for Tee…

This technical assistance brief discusses the dynamics of Teen Dating Violence (TDV), best strategies for courts working with teen victims and perpetrators, and issuing relief to best meet the needs of youthful parties. Judges are…

Improving Safety and Privacy in Civil Protection Order Cases: In-…

Many litigants seek court-ordered safety measures to prevent and mitigate violence and abuse in their lives. While courts implement general safety measures to address public health concerns, special considerations may be needed to ensure safety…

Custody and Parenting Time Orders: Compliance Monitoring and Enfo…

This document provides a set of suggested practices and strategies for consideration by courts seeking to improve compliance with custody and parenting time orders. Main topics include exercising judicial leadership, crafting orders with enforceability and…

Strategies to Improve the Response to Firearms in Civil Protectio…

This document provides a checklist of strategies for judges to improve the response to firearms in civil protection order cases. Main topics include steps to assemble multi-disciplinary collaborative teams, mapping the civil protection process to…

Case Law Update
Domestic Violence Rebuttable Presumption: Case Law Update 2018-20…

This document contains summaries of published state court decisions of interest related to a rebuttable presumption against awarding sole or joint custody to a parent who has engaged in domestic violence against the other parent.…

Linking Systems of Care: How Four Jurisdictions Are Coordinating …

Children, youth, and young adults who are survivors of traumatic events during their formative years often encounter multiple human service and legal systems. Serving youth with multi-system experiences requires an approach that recognizes multi-system involvement,…

Technical Assistance Bulletin
Teen Dating Violence: Social Media and Tech Misuse Guidance for J…

Today’s social media and online landscape provides access to information, education, and connection that we could not have imagined even a decade ago. In addition to all of the instant connections that social media facilitates,…

The Ready Resource, April 2021

The Ready Resource provides relevant information about current events, new and helpful resources, and upcoming training dates for judicial officers related to improving responses to intimate partner violence. The most recent edition includes information on…

Technical Assistance Bulletin
Applying an Understanding of Adolescent Brain Development in Teen…

This technical assistance brief was developed to provide judges with an overview of brain development during adolescence and to provide an overview of the following:  Typical adolescent brain development;  How brain development may be impeded…

Technical Assistance Bulletin
COVID-19 and Abuse in Later Life The Impact and What Judges and C…

The impact of the pandemic on older adults cannot be overstated. While much is still unknown about the virus, the research is clear that it affects older adults more severely. The mortality rate for patients…

Case Law Update
McGirt V. Oklahoma: Case Law Update

American Indian/Alaskan Native (AI/AN) women are more likely to experience intimate partner violence and sexual violence than women of other races, with 47.5% of AI/AN women having reported experiencing domestic violence in their lifetimes. Domestic…

Case Law Update
Civil Protection Order: Case Law Update for 2019

This document contains summaries of published state court decisions of interest related to civil protection orders, their issuance, and their enforcement for the year 2019. While most of these summaries are brief, containing only the…