Over the past 25 years, researchers from many academic disciplines, and professionals working in both humane and human services, have established significant correlations between animal abuse, child abuse, domestic violence, elder abuse, and other forms…
Many litigants seek court-ordered safety measures to prevent and mitigate violence and abuse in their lives. While courts implement general safety measures to address public health concerns, special considerations may be needed to ensure safety…
This document answers frequently asked questions relating to firearms and civil protection orders. Main topics include enforcement of jurisdiction and federal protection order laws, suggested collaboration efforts, information regarding a respondent’s access to firearms, addressing…
This document provides a set of suggested practices and strategies for consideration by courts seeking to improve compliance with custody and parenting time orders. Main topics include exercising judicial leadership, crafting orders with enforceability and…
This document provides a checklist of strategies for judges to improve the response to firearms in civil protection order cases. Main topics include steps to assemble multi-disciplinary collaborative teams, mapping the civil protection process to…
In collaboration with the Coalition for Juvenile Justice, the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) has developed the Toolkit for Identifying Youth Experiencing Homelessness in the Justice System: Using A Structured Process…
The curriculum helps courts assess their adherence to principles of case management and scheduling and investigate research-supported strategies for increasing effective case management in dependency cases. The National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges…
This document contains summaries of published state court decisions of interest related to a rebuttable presumption against awarding sole or joint custody to a parent who has engaged in domestic violence against the other parent.…
The NCJFCJ has prepared, The Role of the Judge in Transforming Juvenile Probation: A Toolkit for Leadership (hereafter also referred to as the Toolkit) to provide judges with practical strategies and recommendations to help their jurisdictions take…
Motivational Interviewing (MI) is an evidence-based practice recommended for use in juvenile drug treatment court (JDTC) settings (OJJDP, 2016). Specifically written with JDTC team members in mind, this technical assistance bulletin (TAB) on MI skills…
The following checklist is a tool to help juvenile justice professionals responsible for placing youth in confinement to examine the criteria for confinement. Considerations of risks of confinement to youth— contracting COVID-19 or other communicable…
This Judge’s Action Alert highlights: benefits of parent–resource parent partnerships key elements of successful parent–resource parent partnerships how parent partners can help bridge the gap between parents and resource parents how judges can support parent–resource parent partnerships;…