Our corporate sponsors
Lifetime $50,000+
Champion for Families $10,000+
Judith Horgan Scholarship
- Cynthia K. Stoltz, Esq.
- Joey Orduña Hastings
President’s Circle $5,000 – $9,999
- Honorable Bobbe J. Bridge
Gold Bench $2,500 – $4,999
Silver Bench $1,000 – $2,499
- Robert A. Simon, PhD
Bronze Bench $500 – $999
- Honorable Ernestine S. Gray
Supporters of Justice $250 – $499
- Honorable Darlene Byrne
- Joey Orduña Hastings
- Katie Freeman
Friends of the Council up to $249
Judith Horgan Scholarship
- Honorable Judith T. Horgan
- Honorable Katherine Tennyson
- Honorable Robert R. Hofmann
- Robert Schuetz
- Steven M. Pavsner, Esq.
President’s Circle $5,000 – $9,999
- Honorable Bobbe J. Bridge
- Honorable Denise Navarre Cubbon
- Honorable Katherine Tennyson
- Honorable Leonard P. Edwards
- Honorable Robert R. Hofmann
- Patricia Cafferata, Esq.
- Steven M. Pavsner, Esq.
Gold Bench $2,500 – $4,999
- Honorable James H. Seals
Silver Bench $1,000 – $2,499
- Honorable Angela F. Fonnesbeck
- Honorable Barbara Mack
- Honorable Beth S. Dixon
- Honorable Faith A. Graham
- Honorable Gayl Y. Branum Carr
- Honorable Janice M. Rosa
- Honorable Judith T. Horgan
- Honorable Kathleen A. Quigley
- Honorable Michael J. Anderegg
- Honorable Michael Nash
- Honorable Michael K. Newell
- Honorable R. Michael Key
- Honorable Tiffany Sizemore
- Custom Ink
- Donald B. Gimbel
- Jeanne Karadanis
- Joey Orduña Hastings
- The JAYC Foundation
Bronze Bench $500 – $999
- Honorable David A. Hejmanowski
- Honorable David B. Katz
- Honorable H. Lee Chitwood
- Honorable Hiram Puig-Lugo
- Honorable James W. Brown
- Honorable Wenona C. Belton
- Cheri Ely
- Deanna Lyons
- Eryn Branch
- Jessica Pearce
- Robert Schuetz
- Tiffany Brown, Esq.
Supporters of Justice $250 – $499
- Honorable Amanda N. Heath
- Honorable Jamie Cork
- Honorable John J. Romero, Jr.
- Honorable John N. Hudson
- Honorable Michael Montero
- Honorable Valeri Love
- Martha-Elin Blomquist
- Melissa Gueller
Friends of the Council up to $249
Judith Horgan Scholarship
- Honorable David B. Katz
- Honorable Gayl Branum Carr
- Honorable Katherine Tennyson
- Honorable Robert R. Hofmann
- Honorable Wenona C. Belton
- Cynthia K. Stoltz, Esq.
- Joey Orduña Hastings
- Judith T. Horgan
- Katien Freeman
- Robert Schuetz
- Steve Stoltz
- William “Bill” Delisio
President’s Circle $5,000 – $9,999
- Honorable Bobbe J. Bridge
- Honorable Denise Navarre Cubbon
- Honorable Gayl Branum Carr
- Honorable Katherine Tennyson
- Honorable Leonard P. Edwards
- The Annie E Casey Foundation
- Judith T. Horgan
- Patricia Cafferata
- Robert A. Simon, PhD
Gold Bench $2,500 – $4,999
- Honorable Angela F. Fonnesbeck
Silver Bench $1,000 – $2,499
- Honorable Amanda N. Heath
- Honorable Barbara Mack
- Honorable Beth S. Dixon
- Honorable David B. Katz
- Honorable Faith A. Graham
- Honorable James H. Seals
- Honorable Michael Nash
- Honorable Michael K. Newell
- Honorable Robert R. Hofmann
- Honorable Romana A. Gonzalez
- Deanna Lyons
- Jeanne Karadanis
- Joey Orduña Hastings
- Tiffany Brown, Esq.
Bronze Bench $500 – $999
- Honorable Anthony “Tony” Capizzi
- Honorable David A. Hejmanowski
- Honorable H. Lee Chitwood
- Honorable Hiram Puig-Lugo
- Honorable J. Dean Lewis Lohman
- Honorable John Hudson
- Honorable Kathleen A. Quigley
- Honorable Louis A. Trosch
- Honorable Meredith Drent
- Honorable Michael Montero
- Honorable R. Michael Key
- Honorable Wenona C. Belton
- Cheri Ely
- Eryn Branch
- Isabelle Cecilio
- Jessica Pearce
- Melissa Gueller
- Robert Schuetz
Supporters of Justice $250 – $499
- Honorable Amanda N. Heath
- Honorable Darlene Byrne
- Honorable Jamie Cork
- Honorable Laurie A. Clark
- Honorable Maurice Portley
- Honorable Roger Chan
- Katie Freeman
- Martha-Elin Blomquist
- William “Bill” Delisio
Friends of the Council up to $249
Judith Horgan Scholarship
- Harry and Marilyn Thomas
- Steven Pavsner
President’s Circle $5,000 – $9,999
- Donald B. Gimbel
- Honorable James H. Seals
- Honorable Katherine Tennyson
Gold Bench $2,500 – $4,999
- Honorable Angela F. Fonnesbeck
- Honorable David B. Katz
- Honorable Robert R. Hofmann
- Digiprint Corporation
- Joseph Asher
Silver Bench $1,000 – $2,499
- Honorable Barbara Mack
- Honorable Dan H. Michael
- Honorable Hiram Puig-Lugo
- Honorable Janice M. Rosa
- Honorable Kathleen A. Quigley
- Honorable Romana A. Gonzalez
- Honorable Wenona C. Belton
- Amy Pincolini-Ford
- Custom Ink
- Honorable Faith A. Graham
- Judith T. Horgan
- Mandy S. Shavinsky
- Michael Nash
Bronze Bench $500 – $999
- Honorable Anthony (Tony) Capizzi
- Honorable David A. Hejmanowski
- Honorable Ernestine S. Gray
- Honorable Gayl Branum Carr
- Honorable J. Dean Lewis Lohman
- Honorable Lori A. Dumas
- Honorable Michael K. Newell
- Honorable Victor Reyes
- Dr. B. Bottenberg
- Cheri Ely
- Eryn Branch
- Jay L. Fingeret, ESQ.
- Jessica Pearce
- Marilyn Thomas
- Melissa Gueller
- The Pew Charitable Trusts
- Trudy Dulong
Supporters of Justice $250 – $499
- Honorable Amanda N. Heath
- Honorable Beth S. Dixon
- Honorable Dale R. Koch
- Honorable Darlene Byrne
- Honorable H. Lee Chitwood
- Honorable Jane Pearl
- Honorable Louis A. Trosch
- Honorable Roger Chan
- Deanna Lyons
- Martha-Elin Blomquist
Friends of the Council up to $249
1937 Club
- Honorable Susan Carbon
- Honorable Leonard P. Edwards
- Donald B. Gimbel
- Honorable Faith A. Graham
- Honorable J. Dean Lewis Lohman
- Honorable Hiram Puig-Lugo
- Honorable Katherine Tennyson
- Dan Wharton
Gold Bench $2,500 – $4,999
- Honorable Janice M. Rosa
- Honorable Dan H. Michael
- Honorable James H. Seals
Silver Bench $1,000 – $2,499
- Honorable Wenona Belton
- Honorable Faith A. Graham
- Honorable Robert R. Hofmann
- Honorable Angela F. Fonnesbeck
- Honorable Barbara Mack
- Honorable Michael Nash
- Honorable Wenona C. Belton
- Dr. Robert A. Simon
- Trudy Dulong
Bronze Bench $500 – $999
- Honorable Egan Walker
- Honorable J. Dean Lewis Lohman
- Honorable Louis A. Trosch, Jr.
- Honorable Jane Pearl
- Honorable David A. Hejmanowski
- Honorable Ernestine S. Gray
- Honorable Kathleen A. Quigley
- Honorable Lori A. Dumas
- Honorable Michael K. Newell
- Eryn Branch
- Melissa Gueller
- Robert Schuetz
- Stephanie S. Kruse
Supporters of Justice $250 – $499
- Honorable Dale R. Koch
- Honorable Charles Stephens, II
- Honorable Amanda N. Heath
- Facebook Payments, Inc.
- Honorable Ramona A. Gonzalez
- Honorable Anthony (Tony) Capizzi
- Cheri Ely
- Jessica Pearce
- Wendy Schiller
Friends of the Council up to $249
- Honorable Florence A. Powell
- Honorable Gayl Branum Carr
- Honorable Irene H. Sullivan
- Honorable James Spoo
- Honorable Edwina G. Richardson-Mendelson
- Honorable Janice Martin
- Honorable Paula T. Ryan
- Honorable Dale T. Pasell
- Justice Darlene Byrne
- Honorable Douglas F. Johnson
- Honorable James P. Casey
- Honorable John J. Romero, Jr.
- Honorable Laurie A. Clark
- Honorable Lyn M. Simmons
- Honorable David B. Katz
- Honorable Aurora Martinez Jones
- Honorable Valeri Love
- Honorable Victor Reyes
- Honorable Beth S. Dixon
- Honorable Angela Graves-Harrington
- Honorable Indu Thomas
- Honorable Jacqueline W. Lucas
- Honorable John W. Parker
- Honorable Joseph A. Egitto
- Honorable Phillip Jackson
- Honorable Sheila Schwanekamp
- Justice Anne K. McKeig
- Dr. B Bottenberg
- Transitioning Families
- United Way of Northern Nevada
- Sabita Ryder
- Dan Wharton
- Cynthia K. Stoltz
- Ann Wilkinson
- Leland Ede
- Christine L. Bailey
- Jared Andrus
- Jennifer Arsenian
- Kristy Bach
- Linda Barnes
- Lauren Beal
- Sal Bernal
- Jeremy Bilfield
- Martha-Elin Blomquist
- Helen Bolstad
- Stephine Bowman
- Eryn Branch
- Rachel Braun
- Greg Chamberlin
- Kris Chinvarasopak
- Bernie Depoali
- Trudy Dulong
- Cheri Ely
- Malika Fahie
- Mark Funkhouser
- Irene Gibson
- Camille Glanzmann
- Melissa Gueller
- Chad Harden
- Elisha Harris
- Nancy Hart
- Lynelle Hartway
- Joey Orduna Hastings
- Sarah Hockenberry
- Brittany Hunter
- Hunter Hurst
- Marianna Kacyra
- Wei Kang
- Amanda Kay
- Noko Knuf
- Adrea Korthase
- Felicia Ladson
- Marikate Lewis
- Zoe Livengood
- Roman Maynov
- Lauren Morris
- Jessica Pearce
- Amy Pincolini-Ford
- Lori Pumphrey
- Chaz Puzzanchera
- Honorable Victor Reyes
- Tammy Rianda
- Michele Robinson
- Jodi Rummel
- Stephanie Scheno
- Emma Schiller
- Wendy Schiller
- Chris Seibert
- Melissa Sickmund
- Gene Siegel
- T.J.Sladky
- Jason Smith
- Brianne Smith
- Sheldon Spotted Elk
- Elizabeth Stoffel
- Jenny Talancon
- Moriah Taylor
- Elle Thomas
- Nancy Tierney
- Priya Venugopal
- Andrew Wachter
- Yolanda Webb
- Annette Williams
- David Wohler
1937 Club
- Honorable Wenona Belton
- Honorable Darlene and Dan Byrne
- Honorable Leonard P. Edwards
- Honorable Angela F. Fonnesbeck
- CIBC Private Wealth Management, Donald B. Gimbel
- Honorable Robert R. Hofmann
- KPS3
- Honorable Michael Nash
- Honorable Hiram Puig-Lugo
- Honorable Katherine Tennyson
Gold Bench $2,500 – $4,999
- OurFamilyWizard.com
Silver Bench $1,000 – $2,499
- Honorable Wenona Belton
- Trudy Dulong
- Angela F. Fonnesbeck
- Honorable Faith A. Graham
- Honorable Robert R. Hofmann
- Joey Orduna Hastings
- Honorable Karen A. Howze
- Honorable David B. Katz, PJFP
- KPS3
- Honorable Hiram Puig-Lugo
- Honorable Kathleen A. Quigley
- Honorable Egan Walker
Bronze Bench $500 – $999
- Eryn Branch
- Michael Dermody
- Nancy Cane-Engle
- Honorable Anthony (Tony) Capizzi
- Cheri Ely
- Honorable Ramona A. Gonzalez
- Melissa Gueller
- Honorable David A. Hejmanowski
- Honorable Michael K. Newell
- Honorable Louis A. Trosch, Jr.
- Honorable Dwayne D. Woodruff
Supporters of Justice $250 – $499
- ActiveEyeQ
- Honorable Steve D. Aycock
- Honorable Gayl Branum Carr
- Lori A. Dumas
- Honorable Ramona A. Gonzalez
- Honorable Faith A. Graham
- Honorable Amanda N. Heath
- Honorable Barbara Mack
- Laura Miele
- Penny Paparteys
- Jessica Pearce
- Honorable Erik S. Pitchal
- Tammy Rianda
- Wendy Schiller
- Connie Hickman Tanner
Friends of the Council up to $249
- Robert O. Ackley
- Honorable Berryl A. Anderson
- Jared Andrus
- Jennifer Arsenian
- Kristy Bach
- Dr. Rebecca Bailey
- Honorable Robert Balanoff
- Linda Barnes
- Salvador Bernal
- Jeremy Bilfield
- Martha-Elin Blomquist, Ph.D.
- Stephine Bowman
- Sarah Bradford
- Rachel Braun
- Randy Brown
- Honorable James P. Casey
- Greg Chamberlin
- Honorable Roger C. Chan
- Kristen Chinvarasopak
- Marguerite H. Clark
- Linda Dawson
- Bernie Depoali
- Jennifer Donovan
- Leland Ede
- Irina Egorova
- Mark Funkhouser
- Eular Gibbs
- Irene Gibson
- Camille Glanzmann
- Elisha Harris
- Nancy Hart
- Lynelle Hartway
- Vanessa Helfrick Paulus
- Honorable Anne Hirsch
- Sarah Hockenberry
- Honorable John Hudson
- Honorable Linda Hughes
- Heather Hull
- Hunter Hurst, IV
- Honorable Mary James
- Honorable Phillip Jackson
- Honorable Douglas F. Johnson
- Aurora Martinez Jones
- Marianna Kacyra
- Wei Kang
- Amanda Kay
- Honorable Carroll Kelly
- Honorable Jennifer Klapper
- Noko Knuf
- Adrea Korthase
- Felicia Ladson
- Victor Leyba
- Zoe Livengood
- Honorable Janice Martin
- Roman Maynov
- Christine McClure
- Lauren Morris
- Nancy B. Miller
- John Muffler, MS, CTM
- Morgan Muniz
- Patrick O’Driscoll
- John W. Parker
- Honorable Dale T. Pasell
- Honorable Jane Pearl
- Amy Pincolini-Ford
- Honorable Maurice Portley
- Honorable Florence A. Powell
- Lori Pumphrey
- Chez Puzzanchera
- Michele Robinson
- Honorable John J. Romero, Jr.
- Jodi Rummel
- Honorable Peter Sakai
- Stephanie Scheno
- Diane Shelton
- Emma Schiller
- Chris Seibert
- Melissa Sickmund
- Gene Siegel
- T.J. Sladky
- Brianne Smith
- Jason Smith
- Linda Solomon
- Honorable James and Jean Spoo
- Elizabeth Stoffel
- Chris Sullivan
- Mikaela Sullivan-Golbiw
- Robin Sweet
- Jenny Talancon
- Moriah Taylor
- Nancy Tierney
- Rebekah Tucci
- United Way
- Priya Venugopal
- Andrew Wachter
- Lauri Watkins
- Yolanda Webb
- Smith J. Williams, Jr.
- Randy Woldberg
- David Wohler
In Honor Of
- Honorable Wenona Belton
- Mary Lou Hazelwood
In Memory Of
- Charlene Howze
Judge Richard J. FitzGerald Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Andrew Wachter
President’s Circle $5,000 – $9,999
- Scott Ross
Gold Bench $2,500 – $4,999
- Kwok’s Bistro
Silver Bench $1,000 – $2,499
- Honorable Denise Navarre Cubbon
- Honorable Robert R. Hofmann
- Honorable David B. Katz
- Deanna Lyons
- Honorable Dan H. Michael
- Honorable Hiram Puig-Lugo
- Honorable Stephen M. Rubin
- State Bar of Nevada
- The Academy Schools
- Honorable Dwayne D. Woodruff
Bronze Bench $500 – $999
- Eryn Branch
- Honorable Anthony (Tony) Capizzi
- Paul J. Enos
- George Junior Republic in PA
- Honorable Ramona A. Gonzalez
- Melissa Gueller
- Honorable Margaret S. Henry
- Anne Lewis
- Honorable Patricia A. Macias
- Honorable Michael Montero
- Honorable Kathleen A. Quigley
- Honorable Louis A. Trosch
- UHS Children Services
- Honorable Egan Walker
Supporters of Justice $250 – $499
- Natalie Brown
- Honorable Gayl Branum Carr
- Rick Combs
- Honorable Lori A. Dumas
- Cheri Ely
- Honorable Angela F. Fonnesbeck
- Honorable Faith A. Graham
- Honorable Michael K. Newell
- Jessica Pearce
- Honorable John J. Romero, Jr.
- Wendy Schiller
- Connie Schuetz
- Honorable Bobby D. Simmons
- Honorable Charles Stephens
- Connie Hickman Tanner
- Honorable Mandy White-Rogers
Friends of the Council up to $249
- Omotayo B. Alli
- Honorable Berryl A. Anderson
- Kevitt Adler
- Jared Andrus
- Jennifer Arsenian
- Kristy Bach
- Salvador Bernal
- Jeremy Bilfield
- Martha-Elin Blomquist
- B Bottenberg
- Stephine Bowman
- Rachel Braun
- Honorable Thomas H. Broome
- Honorable Mark D. Buckworth
- Honorable James P. Casey
- Greg Chamberlin
- Kristen Chinvarasopak
- Amber Clark
- Julina Colt
- Kulsum G. Davidson
- Bernie Depoali
- Honorable Monique Diaz
- Jen Donovan
- Trudy Dulong
- Leland Ede
- Irina Egorova
- Ben Engle
- Mark Funkhouser
- Irene Gibson
- Camille Glanzmann
- Patricia Gotera
- Honorable Mary Ann Grilli
- Elisha Harris
- Nancy Hart
- Lynelle Hartway
- Honorable Natalie Haskins
- Honorable David A. Hejmanowski
- Vanessa Helfrick Paulus
- Sarah Hockenberry
- Honorable Karen Howze
- Heather Hull
- E. Hunter Hurst, IV
- Honorable Aurora Martinez Jones
- Honorable Douglas F. Johnson
- Marianna Kacyra
- Wei Kang
- Amanda Kay
- Honorable Warner L. Kennon
- Marjorie Klein
- Noko Knuf
- Adrea Korthase
- Stephanie Kruse
- Felicia Ladson
- Victor Leyba
- Zoe Livengood
- Honorable Joy C. Lobrano
- Honorable Barbara Mack
- Roman Maynov
- Christine McClure
- Morgan Muniz
- Niki Munley
- Joseph Orduna
- Honorable Dale T. Pasell
- Amy Pincolini-Ford
- Honorable Florence A. Powell
- Lori Pumphrey
- Chaz Puzzanchera
- Tammy Rianda
- Honorable Edwina G. Richardson-Mendelson
- Michele Robinson
- Ana Romo
- Jodi Rummel
- Honorable Paula T. Ryan
- Amy Saathoff
- Emma Schiller
- Christine N. Scott
- Chris Seibert
- Mandy S. Shavinsky
- Arnold T. Shienvold
- Melissa Sickmund
- Gene Siegel
- Honorable Lyn M. Simmons
- T.J. Sladky
- Brianne Smith
- Jason Smith
- Elizabeth Stoffel
- Honorable Timothy Sulak
- Honorable Irene H. Sullivan
- Jenny Talancon
- Moriah Taylor
- Nancy Tierney
- Rebekah Tucci
- Priya Venugopal
- Rachel Wallack
- Yolanda Webb
- David Wohler
Judge Richard J. FitzGerald Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Christine L. Bailey
- Bobbe and Jon Bridge
- Honorable Thomas H. Broome
- Honorable Joan L. Byer
- Honorable Darlene Byrne
- Cheryl M. Davidek
- Honorable Leonard P. Edwards
- Sally Wilson Erny
- Dr. Marjorie FitzGerald
- Marjorie R. FitzGerald
- Honorable Patricia Walker FitzGerald
- Honorable Jason and Tonya Fleming
- Honorable Angela F. Fonnesbeck
- Honorable Thomas Foster
- Honorable Ramona A. Gonzalez
- Honorable Ernestine S. Gray
- Joey Orduna Hastings
- Jeanne Karadanis
- Honorable Patricia A. Macias
- Honorable Dan H. Michael
- Honorable Michael R. Montero
- Honorable Michael Nash
- Honorable John J. Romero, Jr.
- Honorable Janice M. Rosa
- Honorable Judge Nancy Salyers, Retired
- Honorable Bobby D. Simmons
- Connie Hickman Tanner
- Honorable Katherine Tennyson
- M. James Toner
- Honorable Egan Walker
- Honorable A. Ellen White
- Honorable Chris Wickham
Gold Bench $2,500 – $4,999
- Capes Property Management, INC.
- Honorable Denise Navarre Cubbon
- Honorable Dan H. Michael
Silver Bench $1,000 – $2,499
- Honorable Michael A. Cherry
- Honorable Ramona A. Gonzalez
- Honorable Robert R. Hofmann
- Honorable Hiram Puig-Lugo
- Scott Ross
- Honorable Stephen M. Rubin
- John J. Horgan Memorial Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation
- Honorable Egan Walker
Bronze Bench $500 – $999
- Blackwood Family Foundation
- Eryn Branch
- Honorable Thomas H. Broome
- Honorable Anthony (Tony) Capizzi
- Paul Chiavini
- Coffee Bar, Inc.
- Cheri Ely
- Melissa Gueller
- Honorable David B. Katz, PJFP
- Honorable J. Dean Lewis Lohman and Larry Lohman
- Honorable Patrick R. McDermott
- Honorable John J. Romero, Jr.
- Wendy Schiller
- Honorable Louis A. Trosch, Jr.
Supporters of Justice $250 – $499
- Cheryl Dailey
- Honorable Lori A. Dumas
- It’s My Community Store LLC
- Honorable Warner Kennon, Sr.
- Honorable Colleen McNally
- Jessica Pearce
- Honorable Erik Scott Pitchal
- Honorable Maurice Portley
- Honorable Sheila Schwanekamp
- Honorable Charles Short
Friends of the Council up to $249
- Omotayo B. Alli
- Honorable Berryl A. Anderson
- Jared Andrus
- Anonymous
- Jennifer Arsenian
- Alicia Avalos
- Honorable Steve D. Aycock
- Christina Menicucci Benna
- Ralph G. Bittelari
- Martha-Elin Blomquist, Ph.D.
- Honorable Joseph Bruce
- Capa Casale
- Honorable James P. Casey
- Honorable John Delaney
- Honorable Katherine Delgado
- Leland Ede
- Honorable Julie K. Field
- Sarah Grabowska
- Honorable Natalie Haskins
- Nathan Hastings
- Honorable Terri B. Jamison
- Honorable Douglas F. Johnson
- Honorable Lyn Simmons Jones
- Honorable Carroll Kelly
- Honorable Lawrence King
- Honorable Chandlee Johnson Kuhn
- Honorable Jan Michael Long
- Honorable Valeri Love
- Honorable Cynthia Lu
- Honorable Barbara Mack
- Honorable Aurora Martinez Jones
- Massey Mayo
- Jennifer Merideth
- Rubina Mustafa
- Honorable Catherine O’Malley
- Shelia Parks
- Honorable Kathleen A. Quigley
- Honorable Denise N. Rini
- Michele Robinson
- Sean Rowe
- Honorable Michala M. Ruechel
- Honorable Paula T. Ryan, MSC
- Honorable Peter Sakai
- Honorable Mark Sanchez
- Honorable Juliette Wiltshire Scales
- Honorable Robin Shearer
- Dave Spencer
- Jennifer Spencer, Esq.
- Elisabeth Stafford, M.D., FAAP, FSAHM
- Honorable Melanie Stanton
- Priya Venugopal
- Yolanda Webb
- Jennifer Weber, LMSW
- Dawn R. Williams
- Honorable Claude V. Worrell
In Honor Of
- Honorable Anthony (Tony) Capizzi
- Honorable Barbara Mack
- Honorable John J. Romero, Jr.
- Maureen Sheeran
80 for 80
- Honorable Karen S. Adam
- Honorable Beth Allen
- Amy Alpern
- Anonymous
- John Herbert Arzu
- Honorable Steve D. Aycock
- Christine L. Bailey, JD
- Joe Bankoff, CASA National Board
- Michelle Barclay
- Basin Street Properties
- Honorable Alan Beckoff
- Honorable Wenona C. Belton
- Bob and Patty Berger
- Honorable Steven R. Bird
- Martha-Elin Blomquist, Ph.D.
- Honorable Stacy Boulware Eurie
- Eryn Branch
- Honorable Thomas Broome
- Barrick Gold Corporation, Michael J. Brown
- Honorable Joan L. Byer
- Honorable Darlene Byrne
- Honorable Albert S. Camplese
- Honorable Anthony (Tony) Capizzi
- John A. Capizzi
- Honorable Susan B. Carbon
- Honorable Vicki L. Carmichael
- Honorable James Patrick Casey
- Kristen & Sam Chinvarasopak
- Honorable Arlene Minus Coppadge
- Aimee Cordero-Davis, Ed.D.
- Honorable Ronald R. Craft
- Honorable Andrew Crecca
- Honorable Denise Navarre Cubbon
- Cheryl Dailey
- Steven and Cheryl Davidek
- Kulsum G. Davidson
- Sue Davis and Mona Cordell
- Honorable Robert C. DeLamatre
- Paul Devereux
- Deyo Family Charitable Fund
- Honorable Beth S. Dixon
- Honorable McGregor Dixon, Jr.
- Duarte Family
- Honorable Becky L. Dugan
- Honorable Lori A. Dumas
- E.L. Cord Foundation
- Leland Ede
- Honorable Leonard Edwards
- Barbara Elias-Perciful
- Cheri Ely
- Sally Wilson Erny
- Dale Erquiaga
- Honorable Angela F. Fonnesbeck
- Honorable Thomas Foster
- Loretta M. Frederick, JD
- Paul J. Georgeson
- Geneva Advisors LLC, Donald B. Gimbel
- Honorable Ramona A. Gonzalez
- Honorable Ernestine S. Gray
- Honorable Maxwell Griffin, Jr.
- Melissa Gueller
- Honorable Natalie Haskins
- Honorable Katherine Hayes
- Honorable Bonnie Crane Hellums
- Honorable Margaret S. Henry
- Cathy Hill
- Galen McDonald and Helen Hirsch
- Deborah Hodges
- Robin L. Hoffmann
- Honorable Robert R. Hofmann
- Judith T. Horgan
- Honorable Karen Aileen Howze
- Honorable John Hudson
- Hunter Hurst, IV
- Suzanne S. Hurst
- Honorable David Issenman
- Honorable Phillip Jackson
- Honorable Philippa C. James
- Honorable Terri B. Jamison
- Honorable Michael I. Jeffery
- Honorable Douglas F. Johnson
- Fig Tree Industries, Jeanne Karadanis
- Honorable David B. Katz
- Bronson Keese
- Honorable Carroll Kelly
- Honorable Warner Kennon, Sr.
- Melanie Key
- Honorable R. Michael Key
- Honorable Lawrence King
- Honorable Judith A. Kline
- Noko Knuf
- Bonnie and Dale Koch
- Honorable Patricia Koch
- KPS3 Marketing
- Blanchard, Krasner & French, Mark A. Krasner, Esq.
- Honorable Chandlee Johnson Kuhn
- Honorable Mary L. Landrieu
- Jennifer Langford
- Victor Leyba
- Honorable Thomas R. Lipps
- Honorable J. Dean Lewis Lohman and Larry Lohman
- Honorable Julie V. Lund
- Honorable Barbara Mack
- Honorable Sharon P. McCully
- Honorable Patrick R. McDermott
- Louis W. McHardy
- Christina Menicucci
- Honorable Dan Michael
- Honorable Michael Montero
- Honorable Walter M. Morris, Jr.
- Honorable Marshall B. Murray
- Honorable Michael Nash
- Honorable Jenifer K. Overmyer
- Sheryl A. Overstreet
- Honorable Diane Palos
- Ardis E. Parmer
- Honorable Dale T. Pasell
- Jessica Pearce
- Kyana Pierson
- Amy Pincolini-Ford and the Ford Family
- Honorable Maurice Portley
- Honorable Florence A. Powell
- Honorable Hiram Puig-Lugo
- Honorable Kathleen A. Quigley
- Reuben Ramsey
- Redding Rancheria Tribal Council
- Reno Brewery LLC
- Honorable Judith Rice
- Honorable Edwina Richardson-Mendelson
- Honorable Denise N. Rini
- Rite of Passage
- Honorable Sheri C. Roberts
- Michele Robinson
- Honorable Patricia Roe, PJFP
- Honorable John Romero, Jr.
- Honorable Stephen M. Rubin
- Jackie Ruffin
- Honorable Paula T. Ryan, MSC
- Amy Saathoff and Charlie Moberly
- Honorable Peter Sakai
- Honorable Barbara Salinitro and Mr. William Nicholas
- Commissioner Rani K. Sampson
- Wendy Schiller
- Pauline Schneider
- Honorable James Seals
- Mandy S. Shavinsky
- The Sheeran Family
- Maureen Sheeran
- Honorable Jeffery Randall Shelton
- Arnold T. Shienvold, Ph.D.
- Honorable James Shriver
- Melissa H. Sickmund, Ph.D.
- Honorable Bobby D. Simmons
- Forensic Psychology Consulting, Robert A. Simon, Ph.D.
- Honorable Brenda K. Smith
- Honorable Frank Somerville
- Honorable James Spoo
- Honorable Charles Stephens
- Elizabeth Stoffel and Andrew Tolley
- Honorable David E. Stucki
- Honorable Irene H. Sullivan
- Honorable Margaret Szczur
- Nick & Jennifer Tennyson
- Charlie, Andy, & Abby Tennyson
- Honorable Katherine Tennyson
- Patricia Tennyson
- Honorable Steven Teske
- M. James Toner
- Honorable Linda Tucci Teodocio
- Honorable Jerry D. Vinson, Jr.
- Andrew Wachter
- Honorable Egan Walker
- Honorable Peggy H. Walker
- Honorable Nan Waller
- Washoe County Board of Commissioners
- Margo Weaver
- Yolanda Webb
- Honorable John Weber
- Honorable A. Ellen White
- Honorable Chris Wickham
- Ann Wilkinson
- Smith J. Williams, Jr.
- Honorable Timothy A. Williams
- Tony Williams
- Isabelle Wilson
- Honorable Juliette Wiltshire Scales
- Ken & Mary Winters
- Michael Witkovsky, M.D., MS
- Honorable Dwayne D. Woodruff
- Honorable Merri Souther Wyatt
- Honorable Mary Pat Zitter
President’s Circle $5,000 – $9,999
- Judith T. Horgan
- Blanchard, Krasner & French, Mark A. Krasner, Esq.
Gold Bench $2,500 – $4,999
- Joey Orduna Hastings
- Honorable Dan Michael
- Honorable Sheri C. Roberts
Silver Bench $1,000 – $2,499
- William Hill USA, Joseph Asher
- Honorable Anthony (Tony) Capizzi
- Honorable Denise Navarre Cubbon
- Honorable Dale and Bonnie Koch
- Honorable Patrick R. McDermott
- Honorable Stephen Rubin
- Honorable Egan Walker
- Honorable A. Ellen White
Bronze Bench $500 – $999
- Richard B. Bennett
- Eryn Branch
- Cheryl Dailey
- Cheri Ely
- Honorable Ramona A. Gonzalez
- Melissa Gueller
- Honorable David B. Katz
- Honorable Warner Kennon, Sr.
- Honorable Patricia Macias
- Jessica Pearce
- Honorable Hiram Puig-Lugo
- Wendy Schiller
- Honorable Louis Trosch, Jr.
Supporters of Justice $250 – $499
- Jennifer Arsenian
- Honorable Steven Aycock
- Martha-Elin Blomquist, Ph.D.
- George DelCarlo
- Honorable Donna Groman
- Honorable Elizabeth Hamner
- Honorable Patricia Roe, PJFP
- Honorable John Romero, Jr.
- Honorable Barbara Salinitro and Mr. William Nicholas
- Lauri Watkins
Friends of the Council up to $249
- Honorable Berryl A. Anderson
- Jared Andrus
- Anonymous
- Honorable Susan Breall
- Honorable Joseph Bruce
- Jamie Burke
- Shana Clark
- Honorable Lisa G. Colbert
- Marla Conser
- Denise O. Dancy
- Honorable Angela M. Eaves
- Leland Ede
- Honorable Rosa C. Figarola
- Alice Forrester, Ph.D.
- Melissa Garden
- Nathan L. Gent
- Nathan Hastings
- Alan N. Johnson
- Honorable Chandlee Johnson Kuhn
- Honorable Barbara Mack
- Manolita Moore
- Honorable Wade Naramore
- Shelia Parks
- Caroline Punches
- Honorable Kathleen A. Quigley
- Shannon Richards
- James T. Richardson, Ph.D., JD
- Honorable Edwina Richardson-Mendelson
- Honorable John J. Romero, Jr.
- Honorable Stacy M. Ross
- Sean Rowe
- Katrina Samuels
- Pamela Skelton
- Jennifer Spencer
- Diedra Thiesse
- Jacqueline van Wormer, Ph.D.
- Yolanda Webb
- Kelli Weishaupt
- Honorable Chuck Weller
- Jo Lee Wickes
- LuNhia Yang
- Carol Young
In Honor Of
- Honorable Anthony (Tony) Capizzi
- Honorable Susan B. Carbon
- Joey Orduna Hastings
- Merry Hofford
- Honorable Dale R. Koch
- Honorable Sheri C. Roberts
In Memory Of
- Honorable Dan Camp
- Honorable Aaron Cohn
- Shirley Gorman
- Honorable David E. Grossmann
- Honorable Stephen B. Herrell
- Dorothy Howze
- Honorable Sammy Jones
- Honorable Robin Nash
- Honorable Elliott Schoenthal
- Honorable David Turner
President’s Circle $5,000 – $9,999
- William S. Boyd
Silver Bench $1,000 – $2,499
- Joseph Asher
- Honorable Denise Navarre Cubbon
- Dr. Karl Falk
- Honorable Ramona A. Gonzalez
- David Kimmel Foundation
- The Lionel Trust
- Honorable Patrick R. McDermott
- Honorable Hiram Puig-Lugo
- Honorable Sheri Roberts
- Honorable Stephen Rubin
- Honorable Katherine Tennyson
- Honorable Steven Teske
- Honorable A. Ellen White
- Honorable Chris Wickham
- Honorable Dwayne Woodruff
Bronze Bench $500 – $999
- Mari Kay Bickett
- Honorable Thomas Broome
- Honorable Anthony (Tony) Capizzi
- Cheryl Dailey
- Michael Dermody
- Honorable Margaret S. Henry
- Honorable Dale Koch
- Honorable J. Dean Lewis Lohman
- Honorable Dan Michael
- Honorable Peter Sakai
- Suffolk Best Practices Team
- Honorable Egan Walker
Supporters of Justice $250 – $499
- Honorable Steven Aycock
- Eryn Branch
- Honorable Constance Cohen
- Kulsum G. Davidson
- George Del Carlo
- Michael F. Dillon, Jr.
- Ross Elliott
- Cheri Ely
- Honorable Thomas Foster
- Honorable Maxwell Griffin, Jr.
- Melissa Gueller
- Honorable Elizabeth Hamner
- Kurt Kelly
- Honorable Warner Kennon, Sr.
- Honorable Cassandra Kirk
- Honorable Chandlee Johnson Kuhn
- BJ North
- Jessica Pearce
- Laura Polian
- Maureen Reid
- Honorable Victor Reyes, Retired
- Honorable Angela Edwards Roberts
- Honorable Patricia Roe
- Honorable John Romero, Jr.
- Honorable Barbara Salinitro and Mr. William Nicholas
- Wendy Schiller
- Mary Staples
- Commissioner Indu Thomas
- Honorable Louis Trosch, Jr.
- Juanita Frankie Vigil
- Honorable Donald Walko, Jr.
- Lauri Watkins
Friends of the Council up to $249
- Honorable Berryl A. Anderson
- Jared Andrus
- Honorable Paul Benshoof
- Martha-Elin Blomquist
- Alexia Bratiotis
- Megan Brown
- Honorable Joseph Bruce
- Honorable Deborah Bryan
- Honorable Georgia Sutton Buchanan
- Jamie Burke
- Irene Burks
- Honorable James Patrick Casey
- Kristen Chinvarasopak
- Dr. Michelle Clayton MD, MPH, FAAP
- Honorable Timothy P. Connors
- Marissa Crook
- Honorable Rebecca Dallet
- Denise O. Dancy
- Honorable Amy Davenport
- Carol DelCarlo
- Honorable Theresa Dellick
- Honorable Rosa C. Figarola
- Honorable Richard J. FitzGerald
- Kim Gandy
- Dawn Gibbons
- Honorable Cynthia Giuliani
- Sarah Grabowska
- Honorable Faith A. Graham
- Honorable Donna Groman
- Honorable R. Louis Harrison
- Jake Heckman
- Hunter Hurst, IV
- Honorable Avelina Jacob
- Honorable Douglas F. Johnson
- Kimi Johnson
- Kate Kesteloot Scarbrough
- Honorable Patricia Koch
- Brad Lee
- Cristina Llop
- Honorable Randall Lococo
- Derek Lopez
- Susan G. Lowery
- Honorable Steven Potter Lynch
- Honorable William S. McNeal
- Jeminelle Moore
- Manolita Moore
- Honorable Esther M. Morgenstern
- Honorable Cindy Morris
- Brandon Morrison
- Honorable Marshall B. Murray
- Dr. Carol Elizabeth Nicholson
- Sheehan Niethold
- Karen E. Paulson
- Honorable Florence Powell
- Honorable Kathleen Quigley
- Honorable Sarah Rice
- Honorable Stacy Ross
- Gregg Roth
- Therese Schmid
- Chad and Joyce Schmucker
- Honorable Deborah Schumacher
- Linda A. Seabrook
- Dr. Melissa Sickmund
- Scott and Cassandra Smith
- Brianne Smith
- Honorable John Specia
- Dr. Philip Stahl
- Honorable Charles Stephens, II
- Honorable Steve Basha
- Kim Studebaker
- Honorable Lynn and Vernon Tepper
- Diedra Thiesse
- M. James Toner
- Dr. George Tsagaris
- Jacqueline van Wormer
- Honorable Lin Billings Vela
- Andrew Wachter
- Melissa Ann Wade
- Yolanda Webb
- Ann Wilkinson
- Dr. Ken Winters
- General Walter Wojdakowski
- Chrisie Yabu
- Samantha Zaleski
- Angel Zang
In Memory Of
- Lelia Baum Hopper
- Bench Card Instructions
- JEDI-DV Technical Assistance & Training Request
- NCJFCJ Podcast Network
- NCJFCJ Transforming Juvenile Justice: Legs for the Michigan Blueprint
- National Center for Juvenile Justice
Family Violence and Domestic Relations
- Children Exposed to Violence
- Civil Protection Orders
- Judicial Education Development Initiative on Domestic Violence: From Concepts to Improved Court Responses
- Domestic Violence and Child Maltreatment
- Elder Abuse
- Courts in the Era of #WeToo
- Firearms and Domestic Violence
- Animal Cruelty and Family and Interpersonal Violence
- Child Custody and Supervised Visitation
- Teen Dating Violence
- Courts During Community Crisis
- Revised Chapter Four Model Code Resource
Child Welfare and Juvenile Law
- Resource Center for Courts on Child Trafficking
- Foster Care and Adoption
- Juvenile Justice Reform
- Crossover Prevention Case Planning for Child Welfare Workers
- Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) Courts
- Animal Cruelty and Family & Interpersonal Violence
- Child Abuse and Neglect
- Mental Health
- Keeping Kids in School and Out of Court
- Military-Connected Families
- Trauma-informed Courts
- Substance Use and the Courts
- Reasonable Efforts - 2nd Edition
- Judicial Wellness-Connection-Leadership Initiative
- NCJFCJ Bench Card Resource Center
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- About the NCJFCJ
Upcoming Events
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Monday Morning Moments: The Invisible Cost of Administering Justice: How Judges Can Prioritize Their Own Healing to Better Serve Themselves and Others
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Veterans Treatment Courts: Enhancing Support for Military-Connected Survivors of DVSAS in the VTC Process
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Tune in Tuesday: Empowering Youth Through Youthful Impact: Innovative Approaches for Juvenile Drug Treatment Courts