NCJFCJ Justice Innovation Awards
Rethink. Reimagine. Redefine.
The Impact of the Year Award will recognize an individual, state/local court, law firm, advocacy group, or service provider from the Annual Conference host state each year, who has been instrumental in leading or implementing significant improvements or innovations which advance the mission of the NCJFCJ in any of the following ways:
- Practice improvements implemented state or jurisdiction-wide
- State/local legislation or other regulatory improvements
- Unique state/local court programs or services
- Courtroom management and/or technology
- Extraordinary efforts in pro bono work
If an elected or appointed official, the nominee may not be a candidate for election, re-election or appointment during the cycle in which the award is considered or given. Current members of the NCJFCJ Board of Directors are not eligible for these awards.
Impact of the Year
- Bench Card Instructions
- JEDI-DV Technical Assistance & Training Request
- NCJFCJ Podcast Network
- NCJFCJ Transforming Juvenile Justice: Legs for the Michigan Blueprint
- National Center for Juvenile Justice
Family Violence and Domestic Relations
- Children Exposed to Violence
- Civil Protection Orders
- Judicial Education Development Initiative on Domestic Violence: From Concepts to Improved Court Responses
- Domestic Violence and Child Maltreatment
- Elder Abuse
- Courts in the Era of #WeToo
- Firearms and Domestic Violence
- Animal Cruelty and Family and Interpersonal Violence
- Child Custody and Supervised Visitation
- Teen Dating Violence
- Courts During Community Crisis
- Revised Chapter Four Model Code Resource
Child Welfare and Juvenile Law
- Resource Center for Courts on Child Trafficking
- Foster Care and Adoption
- Juvenile Justice Reform
- Crossover Prevention Case Planning for Child Welfare Workers
- Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) Courts
- Animal Cruelty and Family & Interpersonal Violence
- Child Abuse and Neglect
- Mental Health
- Keeping Kids in School and Out of Court
- Military-Connected Families
- Trauma-informed Courts
- Substance Use and the Courts
- Reasonable Efforts - 2nd Edition
- Judicial Wellness-Connection-Leadership Initiative
- NCJFCJ Bench Card Resource Center
- Resolutions and Policy Statements
- Get Involved
- Webinars
- Publications
- News
- Upcoming Judicial Education Events
- About the NCJFCJ
Upcoming Events
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Authentic Partnerships with Youth, Families, Communities, and Other Service Systems
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Tune in Tuesday: Empowering Youth Through Youthful Impact: Innovative Approaches for Juvenile Drug Treatment Courts