The Honorable Barbara Mack (Ret.)
Board Director, National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges
Judge Barbara Mack (ret.) served 10 years as a King County Superior Court Judge in Seattle, Washington. She has presided over a wide variety of criminal and civil cases and served four years as a judge in Juvenile Court. Judge Mack convened and for 5 years chaired the King County Task Force on Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC). The mission of the Task Force is to ensure the safety and support of CSEC and to prevent further exploitation. The Task Force trains those who may come in contact with exploited children to recognize and identify them and ensures that each such child has access to an advocate. Task Force partners provide and coordinate services specific to each child through multidisciplinary teams where appropriate, and provide continuous training to and communication among community partners. The Task Force, with its partners, also collects and evaluates data and outcomes in order to establish best practices.
Judge Mack serves on the board of NCJFCJ, has trained judicial officers and others nationwide on issues related to human trafficking, has participated as faculty for the NCJFCJ National Judicial Institutes on Domestic Child Sex Trafficking, serves on the NCJFCJ Legislative Committee, and is the NCJFCJ representative to the Global Advisory Committee, which advises the U.S. Attorney General on information sharing issues. She is a member of the Washington Superior Court Judges Association Family and Juvenile Law Committee.
Relevant Research Data
Civil Protection Orders: A Guide for Improving Practice - Issues in Focus
The Future of Remote/Virtual Hearings: Considerations for Judges
Normalcy During Abnormal Times: How Judges Can Promote Child Health and Well-being
Impact Updates
Judges, judicial officers, attorneys, and other juvenile and family court-related professionals trained in 2023