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Upcoming Webinars
Veterans Treatment Courts: Enhancing Support for Military-Connected Survivors of DVSAS in the VTC Process
This webinar provides court personnel, court judges, legal clerks, and other key stakeholders that work with military veterans with the tools and knowledge needed to support military-connected survivors of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Sexual Assault, and Stalking (DVSAS). It explores the unique dynamics of these cases, challenges in navigating military and civilian systems, and the importance of building coordinated responses. Participants will gain practical strategies for collaborating with local agencies and advocates to provide holistic, trauma-informed, and survivor-centered support within Veteran Treatment Court (VTC) settings. Through case studies, interactive discussions, and actionable insights, this webinar emphasizes the critical role VTC personnel play in ensuring equitable access to justice and recovery services for military-connected survivors.
Recorded Webinars
Connecting the Dots in Military and Civilian Family Courts: Animal Abuse’s Links to Other Family Violence
Pets provide military families with great comfort and companionship. They offer unconditional love and can provide immense support during transitions and changes in the family. Unfortunately, pets can also be used to inflict emotional abuse and to manipulate and control people and situations. This webinar covers how civilian courts and military installations can work together to identify animal abuse in military families and develop collaborative strategies to address and stop the abuse.
Connecting the Dots in Military & Civilian Family Courts: Animal Abuse Link to Other Family Violence
A Judicial Resource Guide on Military Families and the Courts
Whether they realize it or not, all juvenile family court judges hear cases in their courts involving military service members (active duty, reserve, or retired) or their family members regardless of their community’s location or proximity to a military installation. This webinar covers information pertinent to child abuse and neglect, juvenile justice, family violence, and domestic relations case types.
What Juvenile and Family Court Judges Need to Know about Military Families in the Courts
Introduction to Military Divorce and the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act
Divorces where at least one party is in the uniformed services can present challenges for those unfamiliar with the military. This webinar provides an introduction to military divorce, unique challenges they present, and the implications of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act on military divorces and related proceedings.
Introduction to Military Divorce and the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act
Dividing Military Pension
Military pensions can be a complex and frustrating element of a military divorce. This webinar will look at the different types of retirement from uniformed service and what judges need to know about dividing military pensions.